Swaledale Runners

Inclusion policy

Swaledale Runners embraces diversity and difference and is committed to providing opportunities that are safe, inclusive, accessible, and equitable. We want our club to be equally accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, physical ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, or social/economic status.
We will develop a focus on inclusion, not exclusion, and ensure that we provide appropriate advice to members and volunteers to ensure that everyone can participate as fully as possible.

Our aim is to provide an environment where everyone feels:

• Welcome
• Represented
• Included in decision making
• Able to participate
• Safe and free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and vilification.


• We will think positively about how we can include people rather than focusing on potential barriers to participation.
• We will encourage people to contact us to discuss their needs and requirements to facilitate inclusion
• We will provide opportunities for all in coaching, officiating and leadership positions.
• We will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.

Swaledale Runners 01.01.23


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